Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Collecting more input at BPPT and the Silence Day

One day of work and one day of holiday!
Monday at BPPT: after the brainstorming and review sessions that we had in the past 2 weeks about new services and quality improvements that BPPT plans to deploy in the next future, we spent the day with the BPPT coordinators working on the changes required. We collected a lot of input. Together with our BPPT counterparts - Bapak Deni, Bapak Agung and Bapak Sahal - we will spend the next couple of days to synthesize and organize the input, and prepare a summary recommendation for the head of BPPT and his leadership team.

Today is Neypi, a Hindu festivity mainly celebrated in Bali (where most of the Hindu population resides). Neypi literally means silence. In Bali everyone stays quietly indoors "to convince the evil spirits that the island is uninhabited". In all of Indonesia is a National Holiday, but  there is no silence outside Bali! So most of us took the chance to catch up on pending things and to do some shopping!

Speaking of religion... a real highlight for Indonesia is the outstanding level of tolerance and integration between religions. Islam is the religion of 80% of the population, but there are substantial Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and animist populations. Each religious festivity is celebrated as a National Holiday by everyone in Indonesia.

  #ibmcsc Indonesia  

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